The number of candidates for the Republican nomination is quite amazing. I'll go through each one and give my opinions. I'll also give the resources where you can find more information about each candidate.
- Bradley Beauchamp
- Link to audio interview
- Immigration: This guy wants a police state on our national border. He doesn't address the core issues, like the drug war (etc.) that is causing the border problems so it doesn't seem like he is a deep thinker when it comes to politics.
- Member of the NRA. Not too conservative and not a freedom loving organization. There are other Rifle associations (like Gun Owner's of America , etc.) that actually supports the 2nd amendment. Listen to Ernest Hancock talk on the corrupt NRA with Sherriff Mack.
- Government Healthcare: He says we shouldn't have nationalized healthcare but turns around and says we should keep medicare/medicaid. Where's the principled stand?
- Energy: He says the government should be involved and that it shouldn't be led by the free market.
- Overall view: I think Beauchamp doesn't understand the principles of freedom. Although he seems like a good guy I can see him losing his "principles" quickly once in Washington. Beauchamp doesn't stand for individual freedom.
- Russell "Rusty" Bowers
- Rusty was a state legislator for nine years starting in 1992 and state senate for five years. Here's what he has posted on his legislator record :
- Growing Smarter Land Planning: That sounds bad but I don't know enough abou it to have an opinion.
- Senate Appropriations Chairman and Senate Majority Leader: He sounds seasoned. Should I be afraid of this guy?
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